I am using Cognos 8.4.1 Report Studio. Today I have observed that there are less no. of abject available in 'Insertable Objects' pane of RS. I am not able to see all the objects in the same. Please refer attached the screenshot for the same.
No security has been implemented in Cognos and all the objects were available to access till yesterday. I am so confused and not able to understand what is this sudden change is all about?
Anyone has came across such weird situation? Please help.
Restart Cognos Service and clear the Cache. See if it helps?
Also followed these steps but no luck https://www-304.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21426429
Hi Prit,
Have restarted the Cognos service but still RS shows missing objects. And from where exactly I should clear the 'cache'?
Also, please refer this http://www.cognoise.com/community/index.php/topic,13748.0.html