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Planning & Consolidation => COGNOS Planning => Topic started by: corey_hallisey on 30 Mar 2011 10:56:14 AM

Title: Any way to FORCE a reconcile in a GTP macro?
Post by: corey_hallisey on 30 Mar 2011 10:56:14 AM
Hi folks.   Our business partners do a daily copy-load-prepare to load updated actuals into one of our forecast models.  Then, each night, we kick off a GTP macro to make sure the new actuals are available on the web.

However, the last couple of nights, the macro has failed with the error

Could not read Application from database, error code= response=9

I search for this exact error message in Cognos' Knowledge base and found the following KB doc:

But the document is saying that the "cause" of the failed macro is that there are unreconciled items which causes the macro to "time out".

Does anyone know of a way to AUTOMATICALLY FORCE a reconcile to be done during a GTP?  e.g.  is there a "reconcile" macro that I can run before the GTP macro to ensure the GTP actually goes through correctly?

We're still trying to track down what might be happening during the day to cause items to become unreconciled before the GTP Macro kicks off.  But we haven't found the root cause of the unreconciled item.

I'm surprised that Cognos hasn't created a macro step that is more "fault-tolerant" ie: it can auto-respond to the "There are unreconciled items" warning.

Does anyone have any creative ideas on how to get around this limitation?
Title: Re: Any way to FORCE a reconcile in a GTP macro?
Post by: RickC on 30 Mar 2011 01:29:45 PM
You will not like this answer ...

We had the same problem in an earlier version of Planning.  When we contacted Cognos their only solution was to kick off the Macro again in the morning and it should run fine ... and it always did.

A couple of things:
- ours was less frequent and more sporadic
- found that the problem was most likely to be caused when IT had problems during the night ... maybe interrupted or limited our resources

We also found that clearing everything out and rebooting seemed to prevent multiple occurrences.  (In essence, after testing performance we decided that was the issue.)

Title: Re: Any way to FORCE a reconcile in a GTP macro?
Post by: ykud on 01 Apr 2011 08:37:52 AM
When one of our clients faced this issue I've made a quick Event Manager report which checked reconciliation status in all applications and warned about unreconciled ones.
It's pretty easy to tie such check report to trigger macro rerunning reconcile.

It was ms sql script just in case.
Title: Re: Any way to FORCE a reconcile in a GTP macro?
Post by: corey_hallisey on 20 Apr 2011 02:34:41 PM
Cool!  Thanks for the info everyone.  We've basically gone back to nightly reboots of our servers.

But I like the idea of a report that shows the status of reconciles.