Hi. Not sure this is possible, but can i add a row at the end of a crosstab that calculates a percentage growth by using the first and last row of data as the base of the calculation?
Crosstab example (not entire chart but enough to illustrate point)[/i]
row1 4
row2 6
row3 9
row4 10
%growth 150%
p.s. if its easier to have the growth table as its own table, thats fine too.
Hi there
Not sure if this would work but you could add
1. Crosstab space without facts
2. Unlock the padlock in the menu
3. Select the crosstab and then the cell to allow the content to be defined
4. Drag a singleton into the cell
5. Set the singleton to a query that contains the calculation
Just one suggestion.
There are likely more as this looks calculated Summary which could be accomplished by using an MDX statement in place of a total.
Have to have aplay and see
Peter B