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Planning & Consolidation => COGNOS Planning => Topic started by: jeffowentn on 29 Mar 2011 12:42:49 PM

Title: Contributor add-in for Excel
Post by: jeffowentn on 29 Mar 2011 12:42:49 PM
Is this only available to "modeler" licenses or can Contributor web users also use the Excel Add-In?
Title: Re: Contributor add-in for Excel
Post by: ericlfg on 29 Mar 2011 01:28:36 PM
Hey Jeff,

I'm not sure how your license is configured at IBM Cognos, perhaps you can reach out to your account rep and confirm.  I don't know if there's any additional cost in licenses based on how an end user would access the contributor online portion?  There's really only two ways:
1. Through the normal contributor client accessed by the online portal;
2. Opening Excel (on a machine that has the contributor excel add-in), connecting to the application through the add-in section.

I would expect that, because the contributor excel add-in is included as part of the client install stream, it's available to any user that has a need to use contributor.

My 2 cents.

Title: Re: Contributor add-in for Excel
Post by: jeffowentn on 29 Mar 2011 02:06:58 PM
Eric, thanks.  I have the web client installed, but I do not see the .xla file available to add it to Excel it stored in a different location?
Title: Re: Contributor add-in for Excel
Post by: ericlfg on 29 Mar 2011 02:54:00 PM
I can't recall if there's an automatic install provided by hitting the website off the top of my head.  There is, however, a specific install that you can perform from the Client install media (issetup.exe)
Title: Re: Contributor add-in for Excel
Post by: jeffowentn on 29 Mar 2011 03:37:00 PM
any idea if there is an MSI for it?
Title: Re: Contributor add-in for Excel
Post by: jeffowentn on 04 Apr 2011 02:45:22 PM
Any idea how to install the Contributor add-in for Excel for Contributor web-only users?  Is there an MSI to push?
Title: Re: Contributor add-in for Excel
Post by: ericlfg on 04 Apr 2011 03:59:29 PM
Hey Jeff,

As far as I know (and anyone correct me if I'm wrong), the only way to get the Contributor Excel Add-in (CEA) installed is to use the install media specifically for the CEA.  You could then package that up into an executable or maybe an .msi package and push it out to the end users.. 

Title: Re: Contributor add-in for Excel
Post by: jeffowentn on 04 Apr 2011 04:47:10 PM
Ok, thanks for the help...let me see what I can come up with...
Title: Re: Contributor add-in for Excel
Post by: ericlfg on 04 Apr 2011 05:23:51 PM
Hey Jeff,

I completely forgot that I replied to this thread a couple days ago. ;)  Sorry, long day.  To answer your question, I'm not aware of any MSI that's provided to do the CEA install.  There's only the ISSETUP.exe available from the client install media, which you already know about.

Good luck.
Title: Re: Contributor add-in for Excel
Post by: jeffowentn on 06 Apr 2011 03:17:07 PM
I may try simply grabbing the contributor.xla file and dropping in the right place, opening Excel, and adding the add-in.  ???  I'll keep you posted.

Title: Re: Contributor add-in for Excel
Post by: ericlfg on 06 Apr 2011 03:56:15 PM
Hey Jeff,

Unfortunately that won't work ..  there are a number of background components that need to be installed for it to work (.ocx and .dll files).  If you do a client install and only install the CEA, navigate over to the install directory and open the bin folder, you'll see what I'm talking about.

I even gave this a quick try and received a number of Active X component can't create object errors.
