We have requirement to call cognos 8 reports from an application. We are passing the parametrized urls URL as below. But we would like pass the Username and Password as hidden values so that nobody can view. Is there any we can hide the Username and password while accessing the Cognos reports from different application without using SDK.
http://<servername>:<portnumber>/crn/cgi -
bin/cognos.cgi?b_action=xts.run&&CAMUsername=a dministrator&CAMPassword=admin1234&h_CAM_action=logonAs&CAMNam espace=1101
m=portal/report-viewer.xts&method=execute&m_obj=/content/packa ge
[@name='GO Sales and Retailers']/report[@name='Prod_Name_Drill_Target']
Thanks in advance
You can use the cognosLaunch() function instead. Plus using that function, you can have more characters passed as you are posting a form instead of a URL. The function is documented in the same location as the URL documentation that you are using.
Thank you. How can i pass camusername and campassword in the below cognosLaunch() function.
cognosLaunch("ui.gateway","http://machine/c8/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi","m_passportID",<EM><passport_id></EM>,"ui.tool","AnalysisStudio","ui.action","edit","ui.object","/content/package[@name='GO Sales']/analysis[@name='chart']")