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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: Kindness on 24 Mar 2011 12:00:48 PM

Title: How to pass multiselect parameter in URL
Post by: Kindness on 24 Mar 2011 12:00:48 PM
I want to use iframe to display target report in the source report. The target report depends on prompt in the source report. when i select single value in prompt then the target report is shown correctly. but when i select more than one value then target report in the frame is failed.
Does anyone know how to correctly pass value of multiselect prompt in URL in iframe?

Title: Re: How to pass multiselect parameter in URL
Post by: AussiePete2011 on 24 Mar 2011 03:27:17 PM
hi there,

Check this out

just out of curiousity, why do you need to use iframes?  Have you seen the multipage portlets that allow you to pass parameters through to the next portlet?

Just an idea.
Peter B
Title: Re: How to pass multiselect parameter in URL
Post by: Kindness on 25 Mar 2011 10:22:38 AM
Thank you, Peter B, for your reply.

I have to create a report, it should look like this:
|                                           head                                                    |
|  Prompt 1  |       |  placeholder |                           |  placeholder |        |
|                |                                                                                    |
|                |       |  placeholder |                           |  placeholder |        |
|                |                                                                                    |
|  Prompt 2  |       |  placeholder |                           |  placeholder |        |
|                |                                                                                    |
|                |       |  placeholder |                           |  placeholder |        |
|                |           ...........                                       .........              |

In placeholders i have to insert some small chart and tables. Small chart and tables are created in separated reports. i am tryed to use portlets, but i have problem with passing prompts to target reports.
I decided to use iframe. and iframe warks except one thing. when i pass single value (&p_DateParameter=[Dimensional Layer].[Time].[Main Hierarchy].[Month]->[all].[2010].[2010-09-01 00:00:00.000]) it works, but when i pass multipl value (&p_DateParameter=[Dimensional Layer].[Time].[Main Hierarchy].[Month]->[all].[2010].[2010-09-01 00:00:00.000], [Dimensional Layer].[Time].[Main Hierarchy].[Month]->[all].[2010].[2010-10-01 00:00:00.000]
) it doesn't work. i don't know why.

Title: Re: How to pass multiselect parameter in URL
Post by: AussiePete2011 on 27 Mar 2011 04:03:23 PM
Hi there,

URL with Parameters 101

How to construct a parameterized URL

&ui.object= /content/package[@name='GO Sales and Retailers']/folder[@name='New Reports']/report[@name='product revenue - prompt']
&p_Product name=Bear Edge
&p_Product name=Aloe Relief

You will notice that in the above example you must define each parameter as a separate condition
In your example you have only defined one parameter and then added a comma as a separator.
Comma's are invalid in a URL unless they are part of a complete string.  Therefore what you are trying to pass to your first parameter is
[Dimensional Layer].[Time].[Main Hierarchy].[Month]->[all].[2010].[2010-09-01 00:00:00.000], [Dimensional Layer].[Time].[Main Hierarchy].[Month]->[all].[2010].[2010-10-01 00:00:00.000]
Where as if you have two parameters then you should be passing them as
&p_DateParameter1=[Dimensional Layer].[Time].[Main Hierarchy].[Month]->[all].[2010].[2010-09-01 00:00:00.000]
&p_DateParameter2=[Dimensional Layer].[Time].[Main Hierarchy].[Month]->[all].[2010].[2010-10-01 00:00:00.000]

Hope this helps
Peter B
Title: Re: How to pass multiselect parameter in URL
Post by: Kindness on 29 Mar 2011 06:44:31 AM
Thanks , Peter B,  for useful hints.

But i have multi-select prompt. it can have more than 2 value selected.
Title: Re: How to pass multiselect parameter in URL
Post by: Lynn on 29 Mar 2011 07:40:08 AM
There are many examples in the documentation for multi-select prompts and Peter's example also includes one:

Quote from: AussiePete2011 on 27 Mar 2011 04:03:23 PM
&p_Product name=Bear Edge
&p_Product name=Aloe Relief

You just repeat the parameter name with the "p_" prefix for as many values as needed.