Hi All,
In Analyst, I can make a pretty D-List item containing a line break by using |. For instance, YTD|2000 displays as
When I synch this to Contributor, I am dismayed to find that it just displays the pipes within the text.
I am running 8.3.1202.0
Is there a trick to get this working in Contributor, or another way to achieve the same goal?
Is the trick to install a newer version?
Thanks in advance,
Hey Rutulian,
Just for fun I gave this a whirl with go_expenses in a 10.1 environment I have. I renamed the May d-list member in dimension 4 months to "may | is great" and unfortunately I was presented with the same dilemma. In speaking with someone, I think the function of the pipe was changed between 8.1 and 8.3+ (possibly even 8.2). The pipe now represents a Space character rather than a Carriage Return.
From my testing it looks like this is still the case. I would open a ticket with support and try and get them to confirm why the change. Since the pipe is still functioning as a CR in Analyst, I would expect it to function the same in Contributor.
Thanks Eric,
Glad to know I'm not missing something trivial - I'll start the cogs moving :)