I am looking for information on the Pros and Cons of moving to TM1 from EP 8.4. We are contemplating a move and we have not seen much information on the pros and cons of such a move.
So my questions are:
Was it worth it? I am assuming you start fresh and have to revisit your business requirements for any apps you want to move from EP to TM1.
What hurdles did you run into? Were there any showstoppers for any of your applications?
What did you give up when moving to TM1?
Any information along these lines would be greatly appreciated.
I think in my opinion...capability wise its much faster with TM1...as everyone predicted TM1 is slowing integrating EP's feature...really slowly. Other than recreating your whole model and all the business calculation, the other draw backa would be certain features that EP has that TM1 currently at its new version hasnt yet adopted like comments per cell, attachment, email notification of submission & rejections that some companies prefer to live with than without. All though the email notification is available in the TM1 Workflow...its not on the Contributor of TM1.