Hi Friends,
I am trying to calculate the Percentage values for the KPI's.
Task Completed Not COMPLETED Total PerCentage(For Completed)
Employee Name xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx%
Every thing is working fine Except Pecentage for Completed i am getting all the values as 100% or Zeros.
Used function in the Date item
CurrentMeasure is "[Task no]"
I am Using the Single Data Item "[PROJECT_MET]"to count the Number of tasks "Completed" or "Not Completed" using "IF THEN ELSE" Statement.
for the Total projectwise am using the following "Total([RSLAFKPI])"
aggregate(currentMeasure within SET [PROJECT_MET])
for the Percentage projectwise am using the following "Per([RSLAFKPI])"
percentage (CurrentMeasure within set [PROJECT_MET])
Total is perfeclty comming but the Percentage is always Zeros or 100%
Task Completed Not COMPLETED Total PerCentage(For Completed)
Employee Name 2 8 10 100 %
(Should be 20% - Need
for Completed tasks)
Please any one let me know the way to calculate the Completed Percentage.
Thanks in Advance !