I have two year of current data in my report,but the data is coming as one year below another(please see my attachment).I want it to be as
2004 2005
a b c a b c
How could it be done.please help.Thanks
we can achieve this requirement using join query,may be there is a diffrent process but i know this process only.
1st step:
>create a blank report
>then go to query explorer
>drag a join quer from insertable objects pane
>quer one will generate
>then drag two new querys into join query drop down place
>quer2 and query3 will generated
2nd step:
> then add data items items into query2 by double clicking on the quer2
for eg i used: Productline ,year,revenue
>now drag year data item into detailed filter
>give filter like year='2005'
>then rename revenue data item as '2005 revenue' in properties pane
3rd step:
>next add new daat items into query3
for eg:productline,order year,revenue
>now drag year data item into detailed filter
>give filter like year='2006'
>then rename revenue data item as '2006 revenue' in properties pane
4th step:
>then double click on join symbole in query explorer
>join relation ship screen will displays
>give relation between Query2 Product line and Query3 Product line
>check relation according to requirement
5th step:
>now click on joine quer means Quer1
>add data items from query2 and query3
>here we have to add only Productline,2005 revenue,2006 revenue to Query1
>then go to report page1
>there add a list report to that page
>select entire report using ansistor
>assign qury1 to that list using quer properties in properties panel
7th step:
>simply add data items from query1 to report
eg:Product line,2005 revenue,2006 revenue
its easy............please find the attachment hope it helps u alot ;)
Thanks Vamsi.My source is dimensional and the year to select is dynamic for ex if user select 2008, he should also get data of previous year 2007.Thanks for your help.