I have requirement such that if an user select current year for ex 2010 ,the report should display both current year as well as previous simultaneously.Thanks for your help
Cube or Relational?
Thanks,It is dimensional data.
use with filter expression as
year in (?p?,?p?-1)
or u can cast the year to integer and apply it
Thanks,I did try exactly what you have mentioned above,unfortunately getting data error,i even tried to cast the year but to no avail.Thanks again.
Is the requirement to display for example year 2010 as well as 2009 as seperate items?
If so can use dimensional functions such as lag or parrallelperiod to do this:
Selected Year: [Cube].[Dimension].[Hierarchy].[YearLevel] -> ?pr_year?
then use the dimensional functions
Lag([SelectedYear,1) or parallelPeriod ([cube].[Dimension].[Hierarchy].[YearLevel],1,[SelectedYear])
If you are looking for a total of two years instead then you can just aggregate both together.