I recently upgraded the report from 8.2 to 8.4. It seems working fine. But the performance gone really down. It's taking too long time to show the result.
But in 8.2, it was working fine.
What could be the possible issue?
any help please....
I treid
PROCESSING : limited local
Use local cache: Yes
But no use.
If it is a simple report, can you redevelop the report and see if the performance is OK? Sometimes it helps though ;)
When validating, do you get any errors or warnings?
I validated the report but no errors and warnings.
I have 5 lists contains 2 columns. One column as data item and second column having a combination chart.
for 5 lists 5 queries are running.
After analysis, I found the problem with one query that is having the dataitem as below
maximum([rank] for [Date],[Sales_key])
This for is causing the problem. If I remove this dataitem it works well.
What will be the replacement for this in Cognos 8.4.1?
Can any one help on this? No way the report is coming on expected time. However, it's good in 8.2.
I redeveloped the report. and also I changed the few aggregation levels as well.
Just try calculating max in another query and join between parent and child on Date and Key.. this is just a try.
Generate the SQL from the 8.2 report, do the same with the upgraded report. Same SQL?
Run the SQL against the DB directly. Same response time?
Are you joining multiple queries in this report?