I have 4 prompts(3 are mandatory and 1 is optional prompt) and Finish button and list and chart objects in the same report layout.
My question is if user forgot to select or didn't select even single mandatory prompt and clicks on Finish button then we should generate an alert message box like "Please select all mandatory prompts".
I think it can achieve by using of Java Script, but I am don't know the java script. If its possible with Java script could you please post me the java sciipt code for the above problem.
If is there any other method other than using of java script please let me know that process.
Thanks in advance...
If the 3 prompts are mandatory and user has not selected anything then the "Finish" button will not be enabled (user can not click on Finish button). So i do not think you require javascript for this issue.
Quote from: kattaviz on 22 Mar 2011 09:19:59 AM
If the 3 prompts are mandatory and user has not selected anything then the "Finish" button will not be enabled (user can not click on Finish button). So i do not think you require javascript for this issue.
This is correct - try your best to avoid Javascript when the functions are built in. Your user probably wouldn't like a popup box anyway, they're kind of annoying! :)