Hope someone has idea on this PVU license thingy. ???
Lets say we have PVU license for 4CPU server.
Is it only for the server where Content Manager is installed?
If that's the case can we install just the Gateway and/or Application tier components in a separate box with 8CPU and not violate the license since CM is still on a server with 4 CPUs? ::)
The new instance will still be pointing to the same CM and content store database even though report servers are on separate box.
Thanks for insight.
Note: I am not an IBM employee, so this is only my understanding and not an official response.
PVU is counted for any server running the IBM Cognos services (server install), not just Content Manager. Gateway components (web only) might not count, but I've seen conflicting statements on that.
Also non-IBM/not official, but wanted to add it is my understanding that "any server" includes all environments so factor in dev, QA, sandbox, etc. and not just production.
I agree, it's confusing.
Under named license, we could use hardware resources without any restriction.
But under PVU, there is a limit but not sure how distributed installation works since it will not be full installation on additional machines. ???