hi guys,
sorry to disturb you with my stupid requirements......
here i got another requirement..
as we everyone know the report output (number of rows), depends on number of columns we select...
my requirement is i have 3 columns in a report and it is showing 30 records, if i add one more column the number of records is reduced to 15. but i need all the 30 records even i add the fourth column, no issue for my report if i show blank data for remaining 15 records...
Quote from: karthikeya on 21 Mar 2011 07:24:53 AM
as we everyone know the report output (number of rows), depends on number of columns we select...
The query result (no. of rows) has nothing to do with no. of columns you include in your report.
my requirement is i have 3 columns in a report and it is showing 30 records, if i add one more column the number of records is reduced to 15. but i need all the 30 records even i add the fourth column, no issue for my report if i show blank data for remaining 15 records...
Are you adding the new column from a different table? if so, check the join condition in your model.
Hi there
What you need to remember when asking a question like this is that, we in the forum, can't see your report nor can we see the associated queries or models..
If you add a column, the number of records may or may not increase depending on if you are referring to a crosstab or list report. Also the number of records may or may not change depending on how you have grouped, joined, or structured your model.
These aspects of your report are unknown to the rest of us thus making this difficult to answer your question.
So lets start with the type of report you are using
Crosstab or List?
Are there groupings?
Are you adding columns from the same query?
As a test, capture the SQL from the report and run this directly against the database. Are the results the same?
If they are the same then you need to look at the Model or report or both
I hope this helps
Peter B
thank you aussie anf gopinath for your quick response,
here i'm using a list report, and the o/p looks like this when i have 3 columns...
xx xx xx
xx xx xx
xx xx xx
xx xx xx
so total it is displaying 4 records, now when adding another column it is showing only 3...
my requirement is it should show all the 4 records even when i add the new column..
so the expected o/p look like this...
xx xx xx xx
xx xx xx xx
xx xx xx --
xx xx xx xx
no issue if the new column shows blank data
i'm dragging all the 4 columns from 4 different tables and there are equi joins b/w the tables...
Hi karthikeya Kowndinya ,
plz check the suppression property in the property panel.if suppression option set to Rows it will suppress all Zero Values and Missing value Records.plz change that option to none.
hope it Works ;D