I know that the reports download as an MHT file. But is there a way to run it as a "live" report. I want to use it as a dashboard but don't really want to have to save it as a file then open it every time.
Thanks For your Help
I have seen Active reports run and render interactively from within Cognos Connection - it can take a while though! You need to wait while the report runs and the MHT file is produced, then wait again while the MHT opens up in the browser window, so the whole process can be a little slow to get going.
Thanks, any ideas how this was done I'm trying to stop the popup of the open save part of it. I know I should really be using just an ordinary report but the functionality of the Data deck etc is ideal for what I'm trying to do
Not specifically - I assume it's just in the browser configuration somewhere. The time I tried it, the browser opened the MHT by default.
Have you had any luck with this? I am running into the same thing.
When I launch an Active Report from Cognos Connection, I am always prompted to Open or Save the report. If I save it, the file can be opened without problem later. However, if I chose to Open it, it will not open at all (browser even failed to loaded the spinning 'loading' graphic). I should note that running directly from Report Studio works fine.
The UI experience from the Active report is so much better than the old reports (tabs, decks, interactivity), but not being able to open directly from Cognos Connection seems like a pretty sad shortcoming.
Hi Rcoon,
I gave up in the end and looked at using Business Insight Advanced, Which still dosen't really do what we are looking for but it meets our initial requirement. I agree the actives not runnig direct from Connection is pretty dire but ibm seem to miss a lot of obvious things out like the ability to freeze column and row headers out of the box without having to use javascript or in my case non supported css.
if you want an interactive online dashboard, i would suggest not to use active reports but business insight instead.
cheerz :P
Hi ,
I am faced with the same scenario...where we want the active reports to run directly on cognos connection rather than mht.
A workaround I found.
1. Run the Active Report via Report Studio and get its URL from the browser.
2. Create a new dummy blank report ; Insert an HTML item that will redirect to the Active Report URL.
Now when the user runs the dummy blank report...it gives the effect of running the active report from the web.
Insert an HTML item that will redirect to the Active Report URL.
How can we redirect to a Active Report using a HTML item ?
Can you please help me ?
Quote from: praveenb77 on 28 Mar 2014 02:59:04 PM
Insert an HTML item that will redirect to the Active Report URL.
How can we redirect to a Active Report using a HTML item ?
Can you please help me ?
As detailed above:
Run the Active Report via Report Studio and get its URL from the browserMF.
No idea if active report had prompt page,and must run it everytime.
So active report is not active,and always remind me download/save my active report MHT file,that makes me crazy !
Quote from: Obama on 22 May 2014 07:49:52 AM
No idea if active report had prompt page,and must run it everytime.
So active report is not active,and always remind me download/save my active report MHT file,that makes me crazy !
Why would you want an active report that has a prompt page? Doesn't this defeat the object because you have to re-create the MHT for each different prompt selection?
Is there a reason for going down this route? What about removing the prompt page and bringing the data into the MHT and adding a control to filter/select on it?