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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: venkiatmaruthi on 15 Mar 2011 04:19:33 AM

Title: Navigating directly to Drill through from prompt page
Post by: venkiatmaruthi on 15 Mar 2011 04:19:33 AM

I have "Is Tabular Data?" prompt in my prompt page. If user selects Is Tabular Data prompt as Yes, then I want to open directly a Drill through report.
Can I do it or not?

Title: Re: Navigating directly to Drill through from prompt page
Post by: Steve on 15 Mar 2011 12:08:41 PM
How about creating a Text item in the Prompt page saying 'Tabular Data' and creating a Drill thru from that?

You could also do this in the Report Page and avoid the prompt page completely.
Title: Re: Navigating directly to Drill through from prompt page
Post by: venkiatmaruthi on 16 Mar 2011 05:01:34 AM
Thanks Steve.

However I want to go to a drill through when user selects "Is Tabular Data?" prompt as 'Yes' and hit the FINISH button.... The Drill through page should come rather than the Main report page.

This is what the customer want. Just let me know is it possible or not?
Title: Re: Navigating directly to Drill through from prompt page
Post by: Shailaja0520 on 16 Mar 2011 07:19:14 AM
 This depends on the parameter values passed from the main report.
You can include the queries of drill through report in the main report and can render the  drill through report  page for the Is tabular Data values.
Title: Re: Navigating directly to Drill through from prompt page
Post by: venkiatmaruthi on 16 Mar 2011 08:09:22 AM
Hi Suhan,

You mean to say that I should create another page Page2 and use render variable.

I know this functionality. And I worked as well.

Customer specifically asking whether we can directly go to the Drill through report by selecting FINISH button and also the prompt Is Tabular Data = 'Yes'

I don't think this is possible in Cognos. Drill through means we should have one link in main page.


Title: Re: Navigating directly to Drill through from prompt page
Post by: S2000 on 17 Mar 2011 11:19:14 AM
It's a bit convoluted, but this might work,

Make the prompt auto submit.
Set a conditional variable on a block around the finish button so if the prompt is tabular set it shows a disguised bit if text with a drillthrough on it, and if tabular set is not selected it shows the finish button.

However, if it were me, I'd just put a Finish button on the page and next to it a Tabular button.
No need to select the prompt option, the user just decided which button to press.
Title: Re: Navigating directly to Drill through from prompt page
Post by: a.chamkeri on 18 Mar 2011 06:47:04 AM

If I understand the requirements, then

There are 2 reports, Main and Drillthrough
And if the user selects the Id tabular data prompt, you want to show the drillthrough report.

When we drill the 1st report, it passes the input(parametes) to the drill report.
If this itself is not passed, how will the drill through report work.

May be this requirement is not possible.

Title: Re: Navigating directly to Drill through from prompt page
Post by: venkiatmaruthi on 22 Mar 2011 02:20:21 AM
Quote from: S2000 on 17 Mar 2011 11:19:14 AM
It's a bit convoluted, but this might work,

Make the prompt auto submit.
Set a conditional variable on a block around the finish button so if the prompt is tabular set it shows a disguised bit if text with a drillthrough on it, and if tabular set is not selected it shows the finish button.

However, if it were me, I'd just put a Finish button on the page and next to it a Tabular button.
No need to select the prompt option, the user just decided which button to press.

This method looks like working but it's not passing the selected prompt values as parameters to drillthrough report.

How I can  make it?