Hi All,
I have This Data range Prompt, which Filters report on the Date Range.
I have the data item on which i need to apply Filter.
my Prompt names is p_from and p_to.
Please help how do i apply the Data Filter, So that it Filters the Records only in the Range.
Hi richiearora,
Let us assume ur data item is DATE. Then you can write the expression as below.
DATE <= ?p_from? and DATE >= ?p_to? in the filter. Then it will gives you the records in that date range only. This is dynamic filter. It will ask you to select the from date and to date at run time.
DATE between (?p_from? and ?p_to?) ---> This is also dynamic filter. It will ask you to select the from date and to date at run time.
In the above both filters if you want you can give the static dates also as below
'10/Jan/2011 and '10/Feb/2011'
I hope this is you are expecting...
thats exactly what i was expecting..
thanks a Lot..