Hi all,
I have a problem with my graphics.
When i create a new report, i can put 2 node member on x axis if i want.
But after a time i worked on my report i can't do that anymore...
Do you know this problem???
(http://img857.imageshack.us/img857/351/img1.jpg) (http://img857.imageshack.us/i/img1.jpg/)
An other question
On Y axis, i want to configure Min and max Values to display with a parameter , is that possible?
(I want to authorize the user to modify the displaying during the report is running)
HELP ! :-[
Hi Vinch,
I realize English isn't your mother-tongue, so please forgive me if I misunderstand your questions.
If I understand correctly you want to be able to nest the data items so DATE will be over DATE1. But when you try to drag the data item you can only put them to the left or the right. You may have unlocked the report. Press the lock button (should be under help, to the right of the run button).
Unfortunately scales are calculated automatically. I don't believe there is any way to programmatically control the min/max values of the axis.
Quote from: PaulM on 14 Mar 2011 04:04:14 AM
Hi Vinch,
I realize English isn't your mother-tongue, so please forgive me if I misunderstand your questions.
If I understand correctly you want to be able to nest the data items so DATE will be over DATE1. But when you try to drag the data item you can only put them to the left or the right. You may have unlocked the report. Press the lock button (should be under help, to the right of the run button).
Unfortunately scales are calculated automatically. I don't believe there is any way to programmatically control the min/max values of the axis.
;D youhouuu That's it! The report was unlocked. I locked it and it work's fine ! Thank's a lot PaulM :-*
I have an other question:
I use this expression to display only hours.
But i want to display only 0, 8, 16 hours. How to do that? Which syntax?
If I don't use the function Hour() ( I use the option "data format" and choose to display only hours)
I put the option "display label control" at Automatic ==> it display random hours.
I put "display label control"at manual and the frequency to 32 ==> it works if I display only 1 day. If I display more than one day the display frequency doesn't work anymore
Really hard to configure correctly
What i want :
No idea? :-[
Here is screen of my problem:
What I have when I use only one Data item (I display only hours). In Manual mode with a 32 interval displaying
http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/9200/img3mw.png (http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/9200/img3mw.png)
What I have with multiple data Items :
(One day, In Manual mode with a 32 interval displaying. Good hours but not good gridlines)
http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/7140/img1ml.png (http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/7140/img1ml.png)
(two days, In Manual mode with a 32 interval displaying. bad hours, bad gridlines)
http://img825.imageshack.us/img825/3508/img2m.png (http://img825.imageshack.us/img825/3508/img2m.png)
In automatical mode Cognos put what he wants.
Try this. Click on the chart node member for the hours. Set the source type to Report Expression and use:
case when [Hour] in (0,8,16) then [Hour] else '' end
That's assuming [Hour] is the data item of Hour([data].[DATA].[DATE])
Quote from: PaulM on 15 Mar 2011 05:55:15 AM
Try this. Click on the chart node member for the hours. Set the source type to Report Expression and use:
case when [Hour] in (0,8,16) then [Hour] else '' end
That's assuming [Hour] is the data item of Hour([data].[DATA].[DATE])
How to get it?
Sorry but i don't understand well.
Do I have to do two different data item?
-1 with the expression: Hour([data].[DATA].[DATE])
-1 with the expression: case when [Hour] in (0,8,16) then [Hour] else '' end
OR in the hour data item:
case when Hour([data].[DATA].[DATE]) in (0,8,16) then Hour([data].[DATA].[DATE]) else '' end
==>doesn't work