I am actually trying to do dynamic sorting on four columns ex order no,order method ,product type,and product name but the sorting is dynamically done on order no only and remaining three columns remains static.Please help.Thanks
The spec works perfectly here - 8.4.1. All columns are srted as they should be via d. through.
Thanks,NimrodA.Bit strange! ,same spec giving me a problem.what could be the reason? Could anybody suggest,please.
In the attached PDF,I have sorted on Oder Method but you can see the sorting is applied on Order Number only.Very confusing!.Thanks
Prit,Mate! Are you there!!!
QuoteI have sorted on Oder Method but you can see the sorting is applied on Order Number only
as per your attached XML spec the prompt macro defined as below and it would sort Order Number.
#prompt('p_SortColumn','token','[Sales (query)].[Order].[Order number]')#
If you want to sort on Order Method, then have you tried changing the expression to
#prompt('p_SortColumn','token','[Sales (query)].[Order method].[Order method]')#
Thanks,Mate.much appreciated.
Hi Barrysaab,
I hope dynamic sorting is working for your report. Can you please share the final working report in xml attachment.
barrysaab, let's see if we understand each other:
The default value you gave to the sort field is Oder Number. Each drill through link drills through to the same report passing the field's name as parameter, meaning - every click will sort the list dynamically according to the column header you clicked on. This works perfectly here with the spec you sent here. If it doesn't work for you, maybe try a different browser?
Thanks,NimrodA.I will try. Thanks again.