I have tried connecting to Mysql through Cognos Connection but get a Failure to Connect message.
I have installed and tried the two Mysql drivers (3.51 and 5.1) and tested the ODBC connection and they both connect
successfully but when I open Cognos Connection I get a Failed message.
Any ideas,
I had the same problem couple of years ago. It turned out that we have to use an older version of the ODBC driver and that connected properly and I could pull data in Framework Manager. Don't remember the exact version but it was an older one.
At that time, Cognos had declared in the documentation to use Virtual View Manager but I did it using an older version because the client did not have license to VVM.
Do you know what the settings where? I think you might have used odbc 3.51 I have tried a few settings but still get a fail to connect.
I found the answer myself for anyone interested I used version 27 of mysql driver 3.51. I tried version 28 but that didn't work but 27 did.
"Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other"
Walter Elliot - American Catholic Priest and Writer
"Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul."
Douglas McArthur
version 7 not 27
Its, I checked.