Hi All,
I have created a optional prompt in my Report,
In my report i have 2 optional prompts and 1 Optuonal, When i dont choose any value in the optional prompt and click on submit Buttn,
The another page appears which ask me to enter the value in the Data Item which i used for that optional promot.
I have no clue why is it asking same.
Please help............
Sorry 2 Mandatory prompts and 1 Optional promopt
One quick Guess is if you are using that prompt in multiple queries the name of the prompt you have given is different . May be for this reason its asking the same prompt twice
also make sure in all your queries the the filter properties set as 'Optional'
Jahanvi- i am using the Same Data item in 3 of my Queries.
Now i dint get your point what you meant?
"is if you are using that prompt in multiple queries the name of the prompt you have given is different"
Where do i find that property?
Find... If it's set to Required then it will prompt for a value.
ok.. Suppose in my first Query [dataitem1]=?p_select? and in the second [dataitem1]=?p_seect?
then it will ask twice
Hi all,
I have this Data item in 3 of my Source tables.
I am using Three Filters on This 3 Data items.
First Filter:
[Online].[Exception Update Audit].[Scenario Id] = ?p_ScenarioDesc?
[Online].[Exception Update Audit].[Scenario Id] = ?Scenario ID?
[Online].[Exception Update Audit].[Scenario Id] = ?Scenario ID?
Now when i Run the report it Ask me
Scenario ID Mandatory prompt, Please enter number