please tell me how we test reports in cognos?
Click "Run Report" and observe!
Love it!!!
I heartily agree with the run/observe approach!
However, some additional details to consider....
- test plan: come up with a variety of scenarios. make sure to exercise a solid variety of combinations (prompt options, different output formats, scenarios to verify conditional logic, etc).
- comparisons: to verify accuracy, are there known/trusted sources already that can be compared?
- data: develop SQL directly against the database to independently determine that the results are accurate
- requirements: does the report meet all defined requirements?
- format: all those pesky appearance aspects (fonts, date formats, number formats)
- performance: running with full volumes to ensure response time is within defined goals.
- standards: were defined standards/guidelines employed in development of the report specification? are all necessary documents prepared?
- cycles: unit testing in development, integration or QA testing on realistic data volumes, user acceptance testing
- Probably more that isn't coming to mind at the moment....
Hi All,
i developed a report using existing package.i applyed lot of lot of business rules on that report.now i want to know the output of report is correct or not.
how can i test report?in cognos where can i test the report using sql querys?
Use can test the reports in database with filters as hard coded
Hi jahnavi,
thank you for your reply.will you please explain it clearly?
Hi Krish,
Write a test case( Query) for a particular scenario( means, for a set of prompts/ filters), execute it against database and compare db results with report output results.
Venkat A. H
thanks you very much venkat for your quick reply.