what is the maximum amount of memory that cognos 8 can use? I am running windows enterprise server 2003 and sql 2005.
Thank You in advance
The amount of memory cognos can use is only limited by your OS, platform and cognos configuration. For Windows Enterprise Server 2003 (32 bit) the maximum amount of memory a process can use is 2Gb. So if you box has say 8Gb of memory and you configure 10 report processes then you will have the following utilization:
1 x java.exe process (can use max 2gb memory only)
10 x bibus process (each can use max 2gb memory only)
Does this make sense?
On Windows, JVM will not use more then 1280MB, don't ask me why. BIBUSes, aka report processors, will consume 200-800MB on average, but it is report dependant.
Found out the max JVM size is dependent on the amount of phsycial memory and java version. Cognos 8.1 ships with java version "1.4.2_06" with should handle a max heap size of 1360. I was able to test on 8.2 with ships with java version "1.4.2_11" on a box that has 8Gb memory and I got get the JVM heap size up to 1434Mb.