good morning
i work in a transportation corporation. the bus drivers belong
to branches and the buses enter the Garage for periodic treatments.
i want to drill through from a cube to a db target report .
if the current user is a Branch Manager i want to pass the branch
as a parameter to the target report and if the current user is a Garage Manager i want to pass the Garage as a parameter .
the target report is the same report for Branch Managers and for
Garage Managers.
With this you can find out the logged in user in Report Studio
thanks for the answer.where do i have to locate this
macro function in the report ?
Sorry dear, I didn't read your post properly. Do you mean you want to Drill from CUBE to Report Studio report with passing parameter conditionally? If yes, then i am not sure how to get it done.
May be somebody else can guide you?
i want to drill from a cube report to a db report conditionally
depending on the current user and his security.
all in report studio 8.4.
help someone there ..
thanks ayelet
Create a Data Item with below expression. It would give you the logged in User as said.
Now Create another data item assuming [Data Item] returns 'Garage Manager' & 'Branch Manager' values.
[Data Item Test]:
Case #sq($account.personalInfo.userName)#
when 'Garage Manager' then [Data Item]
when 'Branch Manager' then [Data Item]
In your Source report, drill through definition, select the respective parameter that you defined in your target report. Source Type, select Data Item and associate the newly create [Data Item Test].
Hope this should resolve your issue.