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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: SGD on 07 Mar 2011 11:19:16 PM

Title: Display multiple lines Static texts in report
Post by: SGD on 07 Mar 2011 11:19:16 PM

I want to display static text in reports same as example given below. I need to display 6-7 such paragraphs in whole report without repeating on next pages.

QuoteCOGNOS is a reporting tool and its source will be WIMS Data Mart. Data will be accessed from Framework Models which will be prepared in Cognos framework manager and published to Cognos central metadata repositories as packages. Framework Models built on Relational/OLAP data for static and multi-dimensional analysis would be stored in Cognos content store. Canned Reports will be built on top of Framework Models using Cognos Analysis Studio or Cognos Report Studio. The canned reports will also be stored in Cognos central metadata repositories. Reports can be scheduled and distributed to users via email/portal. Report data can also be exported to native file formats like excel, PDF etc.

Could anyone guide me how should I implement this scenario?
Title: Re: Display multiple lines Static texts in report
Post by: rockytopmark on 09 Mar 2011 10:56:58 AM
Create a report that will be used as a Template.  In that report add a Text item for each of your long text paragraphs.  In each of the Text items' property list, find the Name property, and enter a meaningful name.

Save this report. (name it appropriately, as a template or something)

Open the report(s) you wish to include this verbiage in, and insert from the tools menu a Layout Component Reference item, then set the properties of it to point to your Template (made above) and the object desired from the template.

Title: Re: Display multiple lines Static texts in report
Post by: SGD on 09 Mar 2011 09:34:08 PM
Hi Rocky,

I will try your suggested solution and will let you know about further updates. Thanks.
Title: Re: Display multiple lines Static texts in report
Post by: SGD on 21 Mar 2011 11:29:44 PM

I tried according to above suggestion however text item repeats on each page which not the report requirement.

I want to display multiple lines or paragraph to be seen on same page only for once.

Please refer attached the report sample.
Title: Re: Display multiple lines Static texts in report
Post by: rockytopmark on 22 Mar 2011 03:29:13 PM
"same" page?  not sure what you mean.

If you want an item, text or other... to appear only once and not on all pages, you need to develop the report that way.  There is nothing magical about this, but you need to tell the report how to paginate as desired. 

For example, you can have 2 report pages, instead of 1.  The first page contains only this text, then the second report page that has the query based report objects... that would ensure you see this text just once.
Title: Re: Display multiple lines Static texts in report
Post by: NimrodA on 22 Mar 2011 05:15:00 PM
I'd try typing the paragraphs in Excel, than using ODBC to connect the Excel as a Cognos data source. Now, instead of typing the paragraphs in text items, you could query for them in a report. Presuming, of course, you're using Windows.
Title: Re: Display multiple lines Static texts in report
Post by: SGD on 22 Mar 2011 11:04:22 PM
Quote from: rockytopmark on 22 Mar 2011 03:29:13 PM
"same" page?  not sure what you mean.

Because if List object has data which requires multiple pages then each text item repeats on each page along with List object.

I have attached my report layout for reference. Could you please let me know how should I achieve this requirement?
Title: Re: Display multiple lines Static texts in report
Post by: SGD on 23 Mar 2011 07:30:50 PM
Still struggling to achieve this requirement.... :( any clues?
Title: Re: Display multiple lines Static texts in report
Post by: SGD on 24 Mar 2011 03:16:15 AM

This is kind of urgent and I am stuck with this requirement and do not see any light at end of the tunnel....  :(
Title: Re: Display multiple lines Static texts in report
Post by: AussiePete2011 on 24 Mar 2011 10:56:34 PM
Hi there

Ok, not sure how this will go as its not really part of the 8.4.x product function

Suggestion only
Create a dummy query and associate this to a Page Set
Add pages to the Detail Pages
Page one will be where you add a table and text cells to add comments
Page two will be the actual query report

See if this works

I've had a look to see if the freeze header enhancement has been actioned but doesn't look like it.

You could also possible perform the template idea and associate this comment template with page1.
Hope this might provide an idea
Peter B
Title: Re: Display multiple lines Static texts in report
Post by: jive on 25 Mar 2011 02:24:03 PM
Hi ,
In the project I work when we have that requirement we create a separate page with block and text item inside. This way the text will be shown only one time.  I hope that will help

Regards Jacques