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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: Sarayucog on 04 Mar 2011 03:23:50 AM

Title: Drill down issue.
Post by: Sarayucog on 04 Mar 2011 03:23:50 AM
Hi all,

I have a report with one list and chart and are assigned to the same query. Here I want to find out the top and bottom 10 records.

I have used topcount() and bottomcount() functions.

Let us assume based on Revenue I want to know top and bottom 10 records. Here Revenue is not a directly taken from the package. Its a calculated value from other 2 measures.

I have drill down and drill up on Global dimension. Here global hirarchy is Global > Region > Country > Country > /country.

Here I am getting the top 10 records, but when I am drilling down to last lower level from Global to Region, Region to Country and Coutry to Country the records are changing.

When Region to Country its giving some top 10 records as per the country. When I am drilling down to Coutry to Country as per country. In this level its having the same top 10 records. when we are drilling down to the lower level like Country to Country the top 10 records are getting changing in LIST report, but having the same top 10 records in CHART. In my point of view these records should be same.

How to solve this issue.