We have a requirment in providing the user secutiry based on region. For this we are implementing the security based on login (SSO) .
We have created a table with two fields SSO and Region. Means employee is mapped to the regions to which he wants to see the data, one employee can see the data related to one or more regions.
SSO Region
101 Asia
101 Europe
102 Asia
!03 Europe
In each Fact table we have the region field.
we have implemented data level security filter using parameter maps
"substring([Common Objects].[Opp Fact].[REGION],1,4) = #sq($Security_Parameter_Map{$account.parameters.osSignon})#"
This works fine for an SSO which is mapped to a single region.
But when an SSO is mapped to multiple regions we are not able to get multiple values from the paramter map.
Please help in resolving the issues.
Thanks in Advance
Change "=" to "IN"