Does anybody know how to get level label from given member?
for example, if we look to the property of some member:
Path [Dimensional Layer].[Training Modules].[Main Hierarchy].[Training Module]->[all].[3]
Ref [Dimensional Layer].[Training Modules].[Main Hierarchy].[Training Module]->[all].[3]
Member Caption Food Handling
Member Unique Name [Dimensional Layer].[Training Modules].[Main Hierarchy].[Training Module]->[all].[3]
Level Unique Name [Dimensional Layer].[Training Modules].[Main Hierarchy].[Training Module]
Hierarchy Unique Name [Dimensional Layer].[Training Modules].[Main Hierarchy]
Dimension Unique Name [Dimensional Layer].[Training Modules]
Level Number 1
Level Label Training Module
Parent Unique Name [Dimensional Layer].[Training Modules].[Main Hierarchy].[Training Modules (all)]->[all]
I need to get this property - Level Label Training Module.
Hi there,
This might be what you are after
Returns the value of the attribute that is associated with the role whose name is specified by "string" within the specified context. The second argument is optional only in a number of limited circumstances, where it can be derived from another context. Applications can be made portable across different data sources and models by accessing attributes by role, rather than by query item ID. (For dimensionally modelled relational data sources, assignment of roles is the modeller's responsibility.) Intrinsic roles that are defined for members of all data source types include: '_businessKey', '_memberCaption', '_memberDescription', '_memberUniqueName'.
Peter B
Does caption(level([Member])) give you what you need?
No, it doesn't. it returns captions of all members in the level. but i need a label of level, for example: if we have time hierarchy than the level label of the member [march/2011] is [month], the level label of the member [2011] is [year].