I attempted to make a change to one of my access tables and I received the error message after trying to save my changes:
Error executing J expression : 'ACE2_rc ACEE2_xids ACE2_Package' =: Pack 90
I am now unable to make any changes to my model. I have tried:
1) Rebooting my servers
2) Deleting the access table and saving (received same error)
3) Cannot do a GTP (received the same error)
I'm not sure how to get around this error? I did a GTP this morning with no issues and there doesn't appear to be any uncompleted processes. There appears to be plenty of space on the servers. The Access table used four dimensions against one d-cube.
33 Dcubes
122 Dlinks
896K cells in application
1,687 Dlist items
Largest dimension 1,343 items
114 elist items
Not sure where to look from here????
Hi Kivlind,
We've seen these kinds of errors in the past. Can you attempt to locate a .tmp file that would hold any memory related errors regarding your environment. Do a search (including hidden system files and folders) for jce*.tmp. You will want to take a look at the ones with a time stamp around the time of the failure. This may reveal more information about the troubles you're having.
I also don't see from your application details you provided the size of the largest cube. This could also be a contributing factor. A new access table or a modification to an existing access table could increase the size of this single cube and prevent it from being worked with.
Hi Kivlind,
It won't get you a root cause, but to get you back to a running system try the 'reset development to production' button to see if that gives an application you can make changes to. Then try reapplying your most recent changes one at a time & GTPing, you can sometimes get changes through like this that wouldn't go if you made them all at once.
Kind Regards,
Same issue here