Hi team,
I am new to Cognos 8.3 Development.
I am writting an Expression in a Data Item.
CASE WHEN ( [ONLINE]. [Exception Audit Trail]. [Processing Status] = 'P' )
THEN ('Yet to be Processed' )
WHEN ([ONLINE]. [Exception Audit Trail]. [Processing Status] = 'S' )
THEN ('Sucessfully Processed' )
WHEN ( [ONLINE]. [Exception Audit Trail]. [Processing Status] = 'P' )
THEN ('Failed to Process' )
But using this Expression gives Parsing error.
Please help.
You have missed out the 'End'
CASE WHEN ( [ONLINE]. [Exception Audit Trail]. [Processing Status] = 'P' )
THEN ('Yet to be Processed' )
WHEN ([ONLINE]. [Exception Audit Trail]. [Processing Status] = 'S' )
THEN ('Sucessfully Processed' )
WHEN ( [ONLINE]. [Exception Audit Trail]. [Processing Status] = 'P' )
THEN ('Failed to Process' )
Hi ,
I am using this
WHEN ([Online].[Exception Audit Trail].[Process Status] = 'P' )
THEN ('Yet to be Processed' )
WHEN ( [Online].[Exception Audit Trail].[Process Status]= 'S' )
THEN ('Sucessfully Processed' )
WHEN ( [Online].[Exception Audit Trail].[Process Status]= 'F' )
THEN ('Failed to Process' )
Still it gives me error:
Parsing error before or near Position : 84 of: "Case WHEN....."
Parsing text CASE
Put the correct single quotes
'Yet to be Processed' 'Sucessfully Processed' 'Failed to Process'
WHEN ([Online].[Exception Audit Trail].[Process Status] = 'P' )
THEN ('Yet to be Processed' )
WHEN ( [Online].[Exception Audit Trail].[Process Status]= 'S' )
THEN ('Sucessfully Processed' )
WHEN ( [Online].[Exception Audit Trail].[Process Status]= 'F' )
THEN ('Failed to Process' )
Hope it works
If still getting parsing error then try Like this:
CASE [Online].[Exception Audit Trail].[Process Status]
WHEN 'P' Then 'Yet to be Processed'
WHEN 'S' Then 'Successfully Processed'
WHEN 'F' Then 'Failed to Process'
It should DO.
Thanks prit...it worked perfectly..