For a Select & Search prompt, is it possible to increase the width? I don't see the size and width property. I tried this in an HTML item but didn't work:
<script type="text/javascript">
<selectValue parameter="pAgency" refQuery="pqAgency" multiSelect="false" required="true">
<useItem refDataItem="Agency"/><style><CSS value="width:700px"/></style></selectValue>
Can we increase the width of the Prompt?
Thanks !
Just try this..worked in 8.2 version
v = document.forms["formWarpRequest"].elements["_sws_<parameter name>_selectChoices<prompt name>"];;
or if you want a permanent solution-
get the properties.js file located in ..\c8\webcontent\prompting
it will dynamically resize the prompt.
You can also try this:
1- Put two HTML items around the prompt (The Prompt should be between these two HTML items)
1st HTML - <DIV id="myTextBoxPrompt">
2nd HTML - </DIV>
3- Put another 'HTML' item after 'Finish' button on the prompt page
4- copy and paste folowing javascript( within <script> </script> tags inculding these tags):
function getObject(obj, type)
// step through all child elements of obj and look for an id that starts with 'type':
for (var i = 0; i < obj.all.length; i ++)
if (obj.all !=null && != null) {
if ( !=-1)
// making choice box wider
var myDiv = document.getElementById("myTextBoxPrompt");
var div = myDiv.firstChild;
var selectNode = getObject(div,"PRMT_SV_N");
var mySelectNode = document.getElementById(selectNode);'500';
Suhan - Thanks for the suggestion. I am on 8.4 and both of them didn't work. Maybe the versioning issue !
Cognostechie - That worked. Thanks !
get the properties.js file located in ..\c8\webcontent\prompting
it will dynamically resize the prompt.
This is working in 8.4
Good day,
Could you kindly advise how to solve the following problem.
I have value prompt and I need to use property Size and Overflow (130x30). It its important because the report layout should be static.
But at the same time I want to make my drop-down list wider. I have the values which are cut. It is an issue.
I have used the previous javascript. But it changes the layout (value prompt becomes wider too but i want only drop-down list does)