Can we have blank if zero format in the Tm1 input cube where the cube is relatively sparse cube meaning more elements in column dimension. So at the time of viewing cube on web lots of zero appear before data input in the grid. I can not have suppress zero option since this is data input cube.
Kindly advice on this formatting issue.
Thanks in advance.
TM1's formatting options are a decent subset of Excel's - so something like
would seem to do what you want.
Thanks Dusherwo, for your reply.
However this is not I want exactly. If you know Enterprise Planning, there we used to have blank if zero format option at cube level so in largely sparse data input cube, users were able to see blank input grid instead of grid with lots of zeros. Unless we do that grid with lots iof zeros is sometimes very annoying from data entry point of view specially on the web.
I know Tm1 is not similar to EP, but I just wanted to seek is there any workaround for such kind of formatting requirement.
Nyways Thanks once again for your reply.
Hi CAARTI, perhaps you didn't understand dusherwo's answer. YOU CAN set formatting in TM1 to be blank for zero values (I agree in a TM1 contributor application this is much preferable to the user being presented with a crosstab full zeros.) It is just that in TM1 this is not done on a cube level but on a dimension level by changing the "Format" attribute for the dimension, usually this would be done on the measure dimension (which should be unique for each cube in most cases so more or less the same as setting per cube.)
Note that via the UI you can't really pick a format with blank for null values so you would need to write a TI with AttrPutS or else write a rule in the }ElementAttributes cube to populate the format attribute.
Hey OLAPMBGUY and dusherwo,
Thanks a ton, I formatted the dimension by custom format.
And its working fine in the Architect. However it is very surprising that the same format somehow is not working on the web as well as in the Active Form created from same view. Very Strange outcome.. :o
Thanks anyways and if you have any sharing on the issue further please share.
For the active form you need to apply an excel number format in the format area of the report.
I already tried that option, but as soon as I use that Active Form as websheet, my blank if zero formatting applied to active form is disappeared, which is not the case with other formatting such as freeze panes and wrap text etc.
Try experimenting with different custom formats.
For example rather than
Its working very fine on web now for cube view.
Thanks a ton.