Hi, I have this problem... maybe for a lot of you is very stupid :O( ... percentage after drill down not work as I expect (I'm working with DMR and cognos 8.4):
this is the example:
Business Unit Retail Contracts Portfolio %
AG 22,973 90,96%
GE 2,282 9, 04%
when I drill down AG Business Unit I have:
Business Unit Retail Contracts Portfolio %
A 1,791 7.09%
B 821 3.25%
C 7 0.03%
D 18,527 73.36%
E 119 0.47%
F 1,708 6.76%
% column summary is not 100% but 90,96%!
% is defined as: percentage ( [Retail Contracts Portfolio] within set [Business Unit])
please help me.
thanks in advance