hi Paul
while trying to pass parameter (type memberUniqueName)
between 2 different cubes (i want to pass property Parent Unique Name) i get the error:
"The query contains a reference to at least one object '[Cube_Hachnassot_Hozaot].[תאריך].[תאריך].[רבעון]' that does not exist " because the name of the cubes is not identical.
i need to build a new MUN . how can i do this? thanks ayelet.
Drilling from one cube to another is possible. You'll need to pass an attribute of the member, not the member itself though.
Once you pass the attribute you can use the filter function to get the member back:
The filter function will always return a set, so you can use the item function to get the member back:
hi Paul
i can't pass the Attribute because the drill through is from the rows(a memberUniqueName data item): the kod in the data item is:
"aggregate( [עלות] within set
[Cube_Hachnassot_Hozaot].[רמות].[רמות].[רמה 3]->:[PC].[@MEMBER].[תקורה~21])".when i open the drill through definitions i want to pass the quarter period as data item value
or the quarter period as parameter value.the quarter period is not
displayed in the crosstab.what method/property i need to pass.
sorry for the long explanation ..
You will need to add the attribute of the Quarter level as a query item in the underlying query used by the crosstab, then select the 'Crosstab Node Member' of your row headings, go to the Properties property, and enable the Quarter attribute as a property of the rows. Once you have done this, you should be able to pass this via your drillthough.
Apologies that I can't understand parts of your original post to allow me to be more specific.