I have the below javascript in 8.2. I want this to work in 8.4.1 as I am upgrading the report.
I am trying with different options. If any body have the solution for it, Please share it.
var cntlName;
function right(str, n){
if (n <= 0)
return "";
else if (n > String(str).length)
return str;
else {
var iLen = String(str).length;
return String(str).substring(iLen, iLen - n);
function customCheckPage(){
var par1;
var par2;
for( var i=0; i<preProcessControlArray.length; i++){
cntlName = eval(preProcessControlArray[i]);
if ( cntlName.m_oSubmit.name.toLowerCase() == 'p_parstartdate' ){
eval('pickerControl' + cntlName.m_sRef + '.lostFocus()');
par1 = cntlName.m_oForm.value;
if ( cntlName.m_oSubmit.name.toLowerCase() == 'p_parenddate' ){
eval('pickerControl' + cntlName.m_sRef + '.lostFocus()');
par2 = cntlName.m_oForm.value;
if (par1<=par2)
alert('Start Date prompt must be smaller than or equal to the End Date prompt!');
for( var i=0; i<oCVRS.pageNavigationObserverArray.length; i++){
cntlName = eval(oCVRS.pageNavigationObserverArray[i] );
if(cntlName.m_oParent.onclick.toString().indexOf('promptButtonFinish()')>0 ){
cntlName.m_oParent.onclick = customCheckPage;
for( var i=0; i<oCVRS.preProcessControlArray.length; i++){
cntlName = eval(oCVRS.preProcessControlArray[i]);
dt = new Date();
df = new Date( dt - 29*86400000);
if (cntlName.m_oSubmit.name.toLowerCase() == 'p_parstartdate' ){
cntlName.m_oEditBox.value = df.getFullYear()
+ '-' + right('0'+(1+df.getMonth()),2)
+ '-' + right('0'+df.getDate(),2);
eval('pickerControl' + cntlName.m_sRef + '.lostFocus()');
if (cntlName.m_oSubmit.name.toLowerCase() == 'p_parenddate' ){
cntlName.m_oEditBox.value = dt.getFullYear()
+ '-' + right('0'+(1+dt.getMonth()),2)
+ '-' + right('0'+dt.getDate(),2);
eval('pickerControl' + cntlName.m_sRef + '.lostFocus()');
I don't want the same code to be changed. But atleast give me some ideas to proceed.
Give any code in 8.4.
Not sure if you're open to it, but this would be far, far easier in jQuery - here's the untested code to give you an idea:
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
var startDate = Date.parse(jQuery("#promptidhere[type=input]").val()); // Retrieves the value of the date input
var endDate = Date.parse(jQuery("#promptidwithenddatehere[type=input]").val()); // Same, but for end date
if (endDate < startDate {
alert("Your end date must be after your start date!");
}); // End Ready
A step further would be to use a calendar widget, builtin or otherwise, to force correct input. Check out:
I've left this intentionally vague because a lot of people refuse to use jQuery in their reports, or don't understand it. If you'd like me to expand on this with a working example, I'd be happy to write it up.
Thanks Melee.
I am not familiar with JQuery.
However I prepared javascript for this.
I divided the above Javascript to two parts. One is for Date validation, other one is reducing the start date to 29 days back.
I succeded. here is the code.
Put one HTML Item at StartDate prompt and give the below code to reduce the start date.
var cntlName;
function right(str, n)
if (n <= 0)
return "";
else if (n > String(str).length)
return str;
var iLen = String(str).length;
return String(str).substring(iLen, iLen - n);
function subtractMonth()
dt = new Date();
df = new Date( dt - 29*86400000);
return (df.getFullYear() + '-' + right('0'+(1+df.getMonth()),2) + '-' + right('0'+df.getDate(),2));
pickerControlStart_Date. setValue( subtractMonth() );
Remove the existing Finish button. Put HTMLitem beside the cancel button. Below is the script for date validation.
<script type="text/javascript">
function checkDates()
var fW = (typeof getFormWarpRequest == "function" ?getFormWarpRequest() : document.forms["formWarpRequest"]);
if ( !fW || fW == undefined)
fW = ( formWarpRequest_THIS_ ?formWarpRequest_THIS_ : formWarpRequest_NS_ );
//reading dates from prompts
var FromDate = fW.txtDateStart_Date.value;
var ToDate = fW.txtDateEnd_Date.value;
//converting to date format from strings
var sdat=Date.parse(FromDate);
var SD=new Date(sdat);
var tdat=Date.parse(ToDate);
var ED=new Date(tdat);
//comparing the dates
if(SD > ED)
alert('From Date is greater than To Date');
<button Sytle="" Class="BP" onClick="checkDates()"> Finish </button>