Just curious. I tried to use Firebug to capture it, but it keeps stopping on the mouse movement event :P
The JS that SHOULD be used to enable the finish button on a prompt page is....
the <generic> user John Smith (or Jane Smith) who do so by supplying all the required prompt values.
Hey now. Just because John Smith is supposed to fill in prompts on his own, I can totally increase his efficiency by predicting what he's going to select and running the report automagically!
Co-incidentally, John Smiths is also a popular brand of beer in the UK. We all know the magical properties of a beer or two, so in this case, I'd say it would be a good alternative! :D
Take a look at the functions like " bVerifyPageNavigation()" of the CPromptButton.js file.
Not sure it is a perfect answer, as things are regulary changing between Cognos versions it seems, but I think you could follow this kind of idea.
"Of course", if I can say, the global process of checking the status of the prompt is more complex, and it is not easy to find his way through the JS code of Cognos (but it is possible).
Hope it helps,