I have a report which i need to schedule every month,
If i schedule a report once every month and save the report view in a folder in 'public folder', generally, schedule overwrites the report of the same name.So, every month, we have only one report created by this schedule.
Can i dynamically change the name of the report saved, when ever it is scheduled ?
Something like , when schedule is run for Feb month , report name should be report_feb2011 , if the schedule runs for march then it should be report_Mar2011.... So that the folder has all months data in it
any ideas would be highly appreciated.
thanks in advance
This is not quite what you are asking for, but one of the out-of-the-box features is the ability to hold multiple versions of saved outputs for a single report. To do this, go into the properties of the report in Cognos Connection, and set the 'Report output versions' value to a number greater than 1. You could try setting it to 12, or, alternatively, you can set it based on a time duration (12 months, for example). By doing this, your users will then be able to look at either the current version of the saved output, or at any of the older historical versions stored.
Thx for the reply.
one more question... Considering my case, we have generalized report, meaning, this same report is accessible by different users (the user login differentiation is being taken care of in framework manager).
As you specified, if the history versions is changed to 12, then how to tackle the report views which are created by other users?
Number of versions change, as well, other users report versions might be accessable by this user ??
correct me if i am guessing/asuming wrongly.
assuming you mean you have implemented user-based filtering in your Framework Manager model, you would need to accommodate this by adding bursting capabilities to the report in Report Studio, then running and bursting the outputs across the user audience via the scheduler each night. You would then have multiple secured instances of the saved output for each user within each of the allowed output versions defined in the properties.
Thx MFGF...
i'll check out and come back if any problem !!