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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: Sunchaser on 14 Feb 2011 04:30:00 PM

Title: Question on list footer and page break
Post by: Sunchaser on 14 Feb 2011 04:30:00 PM
Dear all,

I have a question on a point that I'm not able to solve.
Here is the situation, on Cognos report studio 8.4: (let's try to describe the best I can...)
.  I have a list "List_1", which is used for representing a section on one main field, Field_A
. "Inside" the List_1, I have an other list, "List_2", with a master-detail relation ship between List_1 and List_2 on List_1.Field_A = List_1.Field_B
. In List_2, I have a footer with totals, that appears at the end of each lists

The problem is that I'm not able to ensure that - after a page break - the footer in List_2 is displayed at least with one row of detail.
For the moment, depending on the number of rows per lists, etc, it could happen that one footer with totals is displayed "alone", without any detail row before. (the rest then is on the previous page)
However, the behaviour of all headers is correct ( or as expected ).

Of course, I have tried things like "keep with footer..." (property Pagination of the object List), but it seems that the behaviour is correct with only simple list, and not nested objects.

Thanks in advance for any help, or opinion on the subject,
Title: Re: Question on list footer and page break
Post by: PRIT AMRIT on 15 Feb 2011 01:26:13 AM
Could you please ensure if you have applied the page break on List_1.Field_A, if not then do so and see if it helps?
Title: Re: Question on list footer and page break
Post by: Sunchaser on 15 Feb 2011 02:39:53 AM

Thank you for your swift reply.
I can't define a page break on List_1.Field_A, as it is not required, not written in the specs. The client won't change his mind now.
So, I only have a section on List_1.Field_A.

Title: Re: Question on list footer and page break
Post by: PRIT AMRIT on 15 Feb 2011 03:01:13 AM
Does it mean your current report doesn't have any page break?

I felt since your master-detailed relationship is
List_1 and List_2 on List_1.Field_A = List_2.Field_B
If yes, then both have same values. Correct? So, it least matters if you apply the Page Break on List_1.Field_A or List_2.Field_B, so far you r getting the desired result?

Title: Re: Question on list footer and page break
Post by: Sunchaser on 15 Feb 2011 03:31:55 AM

Yes and no.
The report have a page break, but not on any field of the 2 objects (lists) we are currently talking about.
The page break is on a other field from an other query, let's say "<array_of_interest>", and every thing is ok for this point.
For each <array_of_interest>, List_1 displays values and information for (example) countries, let's say so "at country level".
There is a section on List_1.Field_A, which is "Countries" in my example if I can say, but no page break.
The section is used to display to the data in an particular way, required per the specs.
Then List_2 is nested "inside" the List_1, with a master-detail relation between them like List_1.Field_A = List_2.Field_A (which means in my example = List_2 is displaying a certain amount of data concerning (for example) cities, so we have data "at city level", per country and <array_of_interest>.
But I don't have any page break defined on the Country field (List_1.Field_A) has it is required that we do not have a new page for each country in each <array_of_interest>.
This is how I understand that the behaviour would be, I might be wrong, but it is always what I saw: page break gives a new page for each new value; and this is not expected at this level.

Title: Re: Question on list footer and page break
Post by: PRIT AMRIT on 15 Feb 2011 04:01:37 AM
Got it.

Basically, the report should brake on <array_of_interest> item and which is different query.

The issue happens because of the Row issue and the footer goes to the next page sometime if number of rows is more than the defined per page row number.
Title: Re: Question on list footer and page break
Post by: Sunchaser on 15 Feb 2011 04:19:00 AM

It seems that I do not understand clearly.
(I just trying to be sure that I don't miss anything due to the fact that English is not my native language, as you could have guess it)

You say:
the report should brake on <array_of_interest> item

This is already the case, sorry If I was not clear.

which is different query.


Yes the field used for this brake is in a different query than the ones used for List_1 and List_2
Title: Re: Question on list footer and page break
Post by: PRIT AMRIT on 15 Feb 2011 09:47:05 PM
Neither I am native English speaker  ;)

Well, what I meant is the page break is working fine.
Bu the issue is with the Row numbers. When the number of rows retrieved by your report is more than the number of rows per page ( default 20 rows per page), then it pushes the Footer to the next page.

Can you select the List and define a bigger value(e.g. 100000) for 'Rows per page' option in the property and see if it helps you?
Title: Re: Question on list footer and page break
Post by: Sunchaser on 16 Feb 2011 05:11:27 AM

Thanks for your answers, in any case.

I have tested your idea, which sounds good to me initially, but unfortunately the situation is still the same for me.
I think that there are surely too many elements around that could influence the behavior of the list.
When I see the list in the page, I see that "technically" it is not possible really for Cognos to print the footer, as the list is already at the bottom of the page, the page contains a page footer, and different things around formatting, etc ...
So I think that there is no other solution for Cognos, as I asked him to keep all headers of the list together with one detail row minimum, and unfortunately the data for this <country> gives only one detail row.
In the case that there would be 2 detail rows, then I'm pretty sure that it will work fine. (for all other cases, with more than 2 detail rows, and a beak of the list over 2 pages, then I don't have the problem)

May be I should simple give up ... and there is no solution (?).

Thanks again
Title: Re: Question on list footer and page break
Post by: PRIT AMRIT on 16 Feb 2011 10:13:20 PM
Hi Vinc,

I hope you have applied the 'Row per page' properties setting for 'List_1'?

Not getting enough ideas though  ::)

Title: Re: Question on list footer and page break
Post by: Sunchaser on 17 Feb 2011 05:37:56 PM

Sorry, I have checked again with no success.

Thanks in any case for your help and all your ideas
