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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: antexity on 14 Feb 2011 09:04:29 AM

Title: How to Query data for a certain period?
Post by: antexity on 14 Feb 2011 09:04:29 AM

I have a cross-tab report with a Relational DB.

I'm trying to calculate the last 8 weeks AVG. I have defined my variable PERIOD to have a value of 0-8. Week before the current week will be 1, 2 weeks before will be 2 and so on until the 8th week... Since my main query is getting 2 years of data, everything that falls off the period of 1-8 will go to the bucket where PERIOD=0. So, when I use the AVERAGE function for PERIOD, it is getting the average value of my PERIOD from 0-8. What I need is to calculate the average of PERIOD WHERE PERIOD is not equal to 0.

Any help would be great,

Thank you
Title: Re: How to Query data for a certain period?
Post by: JGirl on 14 Feb 2011 04:33:57 PM
Create a 'grouping' column in your query which determines which group the aggregate belongs to.  Something along the lines of
           if period between 1 and 8 then 'group a' else 'group b'

Then place that level in the crosstab.  Then create an aggregate column nested under the grouping that is something like average(measure for grouping). 

Then you can hide the grouping columns in your output if you dont wish for them to appear.

Sorry its a bit short on detail but I dont have cognos in front of me at the moment.  Let me know if you need more info.
Title: Re: How to Query data for a certain period?
Post by: antexity on 17 Feb 2011 11:13:47 AM
Thanks for the reply JGirl

If possible could you elaborate more on your reply please? 

My detail report shows the Period '0' calculation Column on the cross tab  I would like to prevent this report from calculating the Period '0' (avg, 2 years worth of data). I would like to have just the previous 8 weeks of averages.

This is my Period Query


WHEN [G/L Date]>=[cWeek1Srt] AND [G/L Date]<[cWeek1End] THEN (1)
WHEN [G/L Date]>=[cWeek2Srt] AND [G/L Date]<[cWeek1Srt] THEN (2)
WHEN [G/L Date]>=[cWeek3Srt] AND [G/L Date]<[cWeek2Srt] THEN (3)
WHEN [G/L Date]>=[cWeek4Srt] AND [G/L Date]<[cWeek3Srt] THEN (4)
WHEN [G/L Date]>=[cWeek5Srt] AND [G/L Date]<[cWeek4Srt] THEN (5)
WHEN [G/L Date]>=[cWeek6Srt] AND [G/L Date]<[cWeek5Srt] THEN (6)
WHEN [G/L Date]>=[cWeek7Srt] AND [G/L Date]<[cWeek6Srt] THEN (7)
WHEN [G/L Date]>=[cWeek8Srt] AND [G/L Date]<[cWeek7Srt] THEN (8)

ELSE (0)


In the attached screenshot, you will see column Period '0' being calculatedon the right side

If you need more info please let me know

Thank you!
Title: Re: How to Query data for a certain period?
Post by: antexity on 18 Feb 2011 08:30:23 AM
AFter further testing, I changed the ELSE (0) to Null and everything worked..  Thanks for all the help!