hi everybody, i have very strange problem, during category generation on a model , the transformer hang , and i must go on task manager to terminate the program.... can somebody suggest me hoq to fix this?
Most likely, it just "looks" like it's hung, but is actually doing a lot of work in the background, especially if you have a large number of categories. If your machine doesn't have enough RAM/CPU power, it can also appear to hang but the the same explanation still holds good.
How long did you wait before terminating it? If your cube is really big, I suggest you leave Transformer on before leaving for the day and check back in the next day. If you see a successfull build/error, you'll know at least that Transformer was not really hanging. If a smaller cube and your machine is powerful enough, then start building it during your regular work day but keep checking in every now and then to see if it's really hanging or just taking time in between the different Steps during cube build.
However, if it does really stay hanged when you come back the next day, then you can troubleshoot further
Also, check the log file being generated on the machien the cube is being built and see the last entry that was made and see if it indicates that Transformer was working when the log was last written to - "keywords" such as counting category hits, start count consolidation, start write etc.