Hi all
I'm new in cubes,
i used FM to create model and package (CPF), published the package to the portal (dedicated folder for cubes models)
I opened the package in transformer and created the cube (PYJ),
after the cube finished ..... what should i do?
i see old cubes folder setting as
..\cube name\clean\cubenamd.mdl
..\cube name\clean\cubenamd.pyj
..\cube name\run\cubenamd.mdl
whats the different between pyj and mdl?
A PYJ file is not a cube - it is a Transformer model, saved in binary format. An MDL file is again a Transformer model, but this time saved in ascii format.
When you build a cube from within Transformer, the cube file created has a suffix of MDC (multi-dimensional cube). The final step is to add this as a data source in Cognos 8 and publish a package based on it - you can either do this from within Transformer, or from the C8 Admin console in your browser, of from within FM.
meep (-: