Hi. I'm experiencing a frustrating time trying to decrease report run time. I built a report architecturally to avoid going to the DB more then once, but later realized that despite my efforts Cognos unnecessarily goes against the DB for each object when the data should already reside locally. I confirmed this by viewing the SQL and noticed that many query containers exist with the same generated native sql code.
This report contains several objects and lists. This issue has slowed down a report that should only take 2 mins and increased the amount to over 14 mins. Has anyone experienced this and what have you done to work around?
In Cognos 8, if you have several reporting objects in a report (lists, charts, crosstabs etc) they will each trigger a separate database query at runtime. This is true even if the objects are based on the same query in Query Explorer. Cognos 10 has a new Dynamic Query Mode that behaves differently, but so far this is only applicable to a few specific OLAP data sources.
I was afraid of that, thanks!