Hello Guru's
I have been working on Cognos BI suite from past 3 yrs and 6 months.
I would love to start with learning TM1.
Please help me out where can I find some Study Material to start it from scratch.
Appreciate your response.
Thakar Nishant
u can get nishanth...http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27017272
Can you download the trial version of TM1 9.5.1 from IBM website? Please point to the URL.
I can answer my own question. I checked out the IBM site and it does not appear that a TM1 trial version exists.
I would like to understand what TM1 tools are out there. This is what I know and I would like you to correct me if I misstated.
- TM1 Architect: a model building client-server tool
- TM1 Perspective: an Excel add-in utility
- TM1 Contributor: a data collection tool over web
- TM1 Workflow: not sure what it does (may handle planning workflow process?)
- TM1 Executive Viewer: not sure what it does (may be a front end reporting tool?)
- TM1 TI: an ETL
- TM1 Rule Editor: an IDE for writing codes?
- any other?
To recast your list somewhat:
- TM1 Perspectives
The standard UI for TM1 - used for designing, administering, updating and consuming TM1 content. Security and the presence or otherwise of a Perspectives license determines what specific users can do. Operates as an Excel addin.
- TM1 Architect
Identical to Perspectives, but runs as a standalone Windows EXE, so cannot slice reports and input sheets to Excel
- TM1 Web
Delivers TM1 output and input layouts to Web users
- TM1 Contributor
A quite new, somewhat unpolished, alternative web frontend for data capture. Supports submission management.
- TM1 Workflow
An earlier attempt to do workflow for TM1. Pretty but useless.
- TM1 Executive Viewer
An alternative web delivery tool for TM1 (and certain other OLAP engines). Fast and powerful but not widely used.
- TM1 TI
The ETL component of TM1, accessed via Perspectives
- TM1 Rules
The powerful but (to many) challenging calculation engine within TM1. Rules are edited by (no really) the rules editor, via Perspectives.
Don't forget TM1 can now deliver data to Cognos BI, and is one of the best performing data sources for that rich array of reporting tools.
Thanks everyone for help :)
Any suggestions from where I can download atleast trial version or Developer version of Cognos TM1??
Quote from: nishant.thakar on 31 Jan 2012 06:08:50 AM
Any suggestions from where I can download atleast trial version or Developer version of Cognos TM1??
As you have already been told a trial version of TM1 doesn't exist.
I believe that there is a trial version of Cognos Express though, or at least there used to be, and CX does contain a fully fledged TM1 server.
Hey Thanks for the Information.
It will good to start with CX :)
Hope later I can arange for full Fledge version of TM1 from somewhere.
So if I want to start with TM1 what should I install in addition to TM1. Are the architect, contributor, the web part of TM1 or should I install them separately?