I have a Report that is intended as a Dashboard Report.
I have 5 Crosstabs and 5 Charts related to those Crosstabs (1 Chart for each Crosstab, each Chart linked to the Crosstab because they share the same Query, so I have 5 Queries).
I have set the width and the Height of the Crosstab by putting it inside Blocks and specified the Height of the Block.
All of it is working except that the 4th Crosstab jumps to the next Page even if there is a lot of space left on the 1st Page. Actually part of the 4th Crosstab displays on the 1st page and the rest of it on the 2nd Page. The 5th Crosstab also on the 2nd page as it is after the 4th Crosstab. I have increased the width of the Page to be enough and the scroll bar scrolls a lot after the 4th Crosstab ends on the 1st page.
Which property should I set so that all the data shows on the 1st page only?
Thanks for your help !
Sorry, the title of the Post should have said 'Crosstab' Report instead of List :)
by "space" left, do you mean width is left on the page or height? Long ago, I discovered that the 2 of them can easily become a pain the backside especially when a value is set for them.
For example, you may have a lot of width left on your page (say if your crosstabs and charts are displayed in one column) but since you've set the blocks to have certain height, then unless that height setting matches what is left on the page, Cognos WILL drop it onto the next page and/or accomodate as much as it can on the first page and drop the rest into the second.
Similarly for width setting vs. height left on page.
Likely, it's the "Rows Per Page" property of the cross tab you'll want to adjust.
All that was ok. I had already set that to 100
It was the 'No. of Rows per Web Page' that was 20 by default. This is the property for the entire Page.