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General Discussion => Forum suggestion box => Topic started by: james899 on 10 Feb 2011 11:32:39 AM

Title: Bookmarking favorites Forums, and Starting new posts not easy
Post by: james899 on 10 Feb 2011 11:32:39 AM
You guys helped me see all my posts in my summary and that was easy. I can see all the 'child boards' in the Home page. But I want to start a new post to my favorite forum quickly and I cannot do it from either one of those two places. The only way I can start a new post is after I do a search or clicking on the appropriate child board from HOME and that takes me 2 more clicks.  Maybe that was done on purpose to keep the number of duplicate posts down and that is a good idea if you state that in the introduction but it is not.

Can we get the ability to list favorite forums on our profile page? I would like to get to those forums with one click.

Also, I want my starting page in Cognoise be either my summary or my favorite child board forum or my last post, something more relevant. When I first posted this I had not tried making those pages a favorite or bookmark so I tried it and it does work so I am posting this for anyone new who does not know this.
It is still a good idea to be able to save favorite child boards on summary page so we can quickly get to them without having to use our browser bookmarks.
Title: Re: Bookmarking favorites Forums, and Starting new posts not easy
Post by: MFGF on 10 Feb 2011 12:28:52 PM
I do agree those would be useful modifications.  Something for the Site Administrators at BSP to consider (if they get a spare moment one rainy day).