Has anyone tried the new 'Chat' link at the top of the page? Apparently my login is banned from there at the moment (that's what it says when I try to go in), but just wondering if anyone else has got in successfully?
It let me in but I'm the only one there.
I'm looking forward catching up on recent events with me, myself, and I
According to my supersecret moderator powers, I don't see any active bans in the chatroom. It might be that it can't handle super moderators.
Not even the least bit funny!!! I've never actually been banned before! :o
Works for me, I'm in there... I sense a lot of sarcasm in my future
A banning MF shouldn't you warn yourself as well ;)
Anyway couldn't get in at work but works at home just not on IE 64 had to use IE 32 bit for the Adobe plugin
I often warn myself - in fact I think for moderators, the Applaud adds to negative and Warn adds to positive. It certainly explains a lot! :)
I believe another user was taking my name in vein and pretending to be me pretending not to be me in the chat room. I know who he is, and I'm sending the Boys round!!
Sadly, I'm still banned from the chat pages. I must have been a very very bad boy (shame I don't remember, though - it must obviously have been fun!!).
My ban screen is attached as a cautionary tale for any other members considering a life of debauchery like mine must have been (at some unknown point)...
Just saw this message and tried it ! It let me in and I chatted with Paul.
For getting around your ban, all you have to do is create another ID on the forum and use that ;)
Yup - that's a good thought. I just need to come up with a stealth user id that you spookily intuitive lot will not recognise within ten seconds flat! Then I can make rude comments about you all without fear of reprisals. Oh, wait, that's not allowed is it? In fact, that could get me banned all over again... :-)
Well, if I was the Admin, I won't ban anybody for bashing people up because that actually starts a conversation that shoots the adrenalin up your blood stream thereby increasing blood circulation which is so neccecary to improve health. So you see, making rude comments and inviting people to do so at you is healthy so even doctors would prescribe that ;D
I like your thinking! I have an idea for the name of a new user ID that nobody will ever guess is me, so I may well be hurling insults very soon while at the same time keeping my reputation intact! ;)
Hi All,
I can't see the chat room now at the top of the page... is it banned? :(
Well for what it's worth, I don't see any sort of chat option either. I even tried IE thinking my locked down FF might be blocking something, but I do not see anything through the out-of-the-box IE either.
the people have spoken...give us the chatroom back, where mfgf can ban us! :P
You haven't lived until you've been banned by a muppet
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Quote from: Lynn on 20 Jan 2012 07:46:11 PMYou haven't lived until you've been banned by a muppet
Somebody told me it was an exhilarating thrill! I think I would enjoy it. Oh, wait... If the muppet gets banned, who would do the banning? Or is that your cunning plan - to get me to ban myself so you can sieze my super-muppet powers?? Aha! Your wicked plot is uncovered!
Hmmm - I'm getting paranoid. I think I need a lie-down! :)
"to get me to ban myself"-> good sign that cogno(i)s(e) has goten to you ;D
Quote from: MFGF on 24 Jan 2012 11:16:09 AMOh, wait... If the muppet gets banned, who would do the banning?
Ahem. 8)
Quote from: PaulM on 24 Jan 2012 03:38:41 PM
Ahem. 8)
Lol. Paul "hit me with your ban stick" M. I should have known a Cognoise super-hero would come to the rescue. ::)
"hit me with your banstick"...is that code? :-X
Quote from: charon on 25 Jan 2012 11:20:38 AM
"hit me with your banstick"...is that code? :-X
Ha ha. No - just a variation on an old song title by Ian Dury & The Blockheads :)
I'm far too young to remember it, of course! Ahem. :-)
Snet form my fumblefingers
iPhon 5 usig Tapatalk
Holy cow! Ian Dury & The Blockheads!!! What a blast from the past.
Another hit of theirs was
"Cubes & Charts & Drag & Drop"
or something like that....my memory of the exact title is a bit hazy for many reasons
Quote from: Lynn on 27 Jan 2012 10:12:02 AM"Cubes & Charts & Drag & Drop"
I haven't laughed this hard in ages!! That is too funny!!!! ;D
I wonder if all the youngsters are now doing google searches to figure this out or if they are simply shaking their heads with a bemused smile over the silly old folks
I assumed you did your own Google search to figure this out! ;)
thats kind of the 7er serious of music...great basics and fundamentals, great lines and codes, but still..a bit strange :P
I think "a bit strange" sums me up nicely! ;D
Cubes and Charts and Drag and Drop
meet all of my BI need
Cubes and Charts and Drag and Drop
are very good indeed
Keep your crosstab nodes or drag them out the window
The wisdom of your slices, I've been there and I know
Slicing and Dicing, what a jolly good show
If all models are DMR and the like
Every hierarchy ought to be denormal
You can slice the cubes, measures are so formal
I should build the cubes of Mr. Ralph Kimball
See my DBA, he's called Inmon, my warehouse will never fall
Sadly (fortunately?) this is as much as the lyricist could write before he was discovered attempting to build a data warehouse according to the guidelines of both Kimball and Inmon at the same time. It took almost two weeks before the caffeine high wore off and he stopped talking about star schemas and normalized forms. Let this be a lesson to everyone - don't let anyone see your meta-modelers before they're done. And make sure they have plenty of caffeine. And sushi.
no comment ???
This is almost as much fun as the chat room was!
Yes Please ;
Request you to give us back the chat room. Please do not block... :( It helps a lot to resolve quick issues ...
What is this "chat" you speak of? ???
Once upon a time there was a Chat menu option up where you see Home Help Search etc.
It was a place to goof around and have some fun, oh, and once in a while help someone who had a question.
Not sure why it went away but I miss Inco and Crispin at times ;)
On the flip side, my productivity at work has improved
From the top of the page....
"News: February 7th, 2011 - COGNOiSe.com now has integrated chat rooms!"
Um....no it doesn't. :P
Just sayin. ::)
"On the flip side, my productivity at work has improved "
;D thank god i am never productiv under any circumstances ever.
So, because im such a bad BI developer, i think the chat would be the best thing that could happen to me (downgrading the productivity level of my collegues to look better in the eyes of my boss)
Rumour has it the chat room is still there if you know where to look. While the link to it has gone, there is a wardrobe door somewhere that allegedly still leads to the chat page with it's quaint, evocative trills and calming blue theme. Sadly, I wouldn't know for sure, as my login has been banned from chat since the very first day it went up. All the admins and moderators deny any knowledge of this ban with wide, innocent eyes and pitying shrugs, but I am convinced that a certain red-mohican-haired budding lyricist (high on caffeine) moderator is secretly sniggering away, delighted to have banned the muppet and got away scot-free!
If I had to guess, I would imagine the secret wardrobe was somewhere around these parts:
Who knows, though? Not me, certainly. I'm banned. Forever, it seems. I'm not bitter and twisted, though. Not a bit. Nope.
such a sad, twisted story mr.muppet :'(
you should write a book, which will be basic for a hollywood movoe for sure. main characters played by ..well...a muppet i guess ::)
A person who has everything straight in life must be having a darn boring life ;D
If you had asked me a few days ago, I would have agreed completely!
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Why not now ?
I suspect the distinction between Cognos Insight, Cognos Business Insight, and Cognos Consumer Insight has befuddled him beyond hope.
Good point ! and maybe Cognos Forum Insight has added to it too ;)
Quote from: Lynn on 13 Feb 2012 01:09:36 PM
I suspect the distinction between Cognos Insight, Cognos Business Insight, and Cognos Consumer Insight has befuddled him beyond hope.
The lady has a spookily uncanny ability to read my mind, it seems!! :-)
Sorry, just having a bad day. Normal muppet idiocy is now resumed. :-)
Snet form my fumblefingers
iPhon 5 usig Tapatalk
Quote from: Lynn on 13 Feb 2012 01:09:36 PM
I suspect the distinction between Cognos Insight, Cognos Business Insight, and Cognos Consumer Insight has befuddled him beyond hope.
The lady has a spookily uncanny ability to read my mind, it seems!! :-)
Sorry, just having a bad day. Normal muppet idiocy is now resumed. :-)
Snet form my fumblefingers
iPhon 5 usig Tapatalk
"Normal muppet idiocy"
and just as proof, he replies twice with the same entry...
imao, it HAS to be a bad star constellation, in combination with not enough good wine at the weekend and the new Cognos Insight application.
What a scary situation :o
I blame the patchy wifi in Malta for the double-post! It wasn't the beer! Definitely! :)
Snet form my fumblefingers
iPhon 5 usig Tapatalk
of course not ;)
Just wanted to mention that yesterday, i experienced the pleasure of chatting with one nice representant of the cognoise community...
So...The CHAT is ALIVE!
yes please, give us the chat room back. Please do not block. :'(
I am not able to locate chat link .. is it still available ?
Quote from: samcorp3 on 22 Feb 2012 03:49:08 AM
I am not able to locate chat link .. is it still available ?
I posted the URL further back in this thread... It is flash-based though, so will not work on Apple devices :)
try pear devices instead...MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :-X
oh boy i need my weekend
Quote from: charon on 24 Feb 2012 04:58:57 AM
try pear devices instead...MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :-X
oh boy i need my weekend
Oh dear! I think you need to lie down in a quiet room for a short while. :)
add a cold beer and i totaly agree ;D
Quote from: MFGF on 24 Feb 2012 06:45:20 AM
Oh dear! I think you need to lie down in a quiet room for a short while. :)
Off to the kitten room for you?! ???
Quote from: Grim on 24 Feb 2012 08:43:59 AM
Off to the kitten room for you?! ???
You may not know this, but I am also a talented poet as well as being a muppet! Here is an example:
30 days hath September,
April, June,
And the banned offender.
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
once upon a time, where shakespiere muppets are guarding the bann button...
we live in strange times indeed :o
Here is another example:
I went to market with my brother Jim
When somebody threw a tomato at him
Now, tomatoes are all right when the come in their skin
But this sucker didn't
It came in a tin!
Legendary muppet poetry.
Jim should know better than to use relational functions in a dimensional report!!
p.s. It was Paul who threw the can ;)
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
amaaaazing ;D