We have 5 packages in our environment and there are around 20 reports which are scheduled to run in different frequencies ( daily, weekly and monthly).
Can anyone please suggest like what needs to be done to prepare an Audit report ( from Audit database) which gives the above scheduling details.
I see there is no direct information available from Audit tables for this.
Existing audit tables do not have scheduling information.
However, you may be able to get this information from content store table called CMOBJPROPS2.
Then you have to use the CMID from that table to join with another table that has report names such as CMOBJNAMES.
I came to know that Report service takes care of interactive runs and Batch report service takes care of scheduled report runs.
And there is this field in the Audit database named 'Target_Type' in the table 'COGIPF_RUNREPORT' , which has values related to Report service and Batch Report Service.
So including this column in the report ( filtering on batchreportservice) will give scheduled report details.
Good find!
Thanks for sharing.
Just to your knowledge, COGIPF_RUNREPORT table won't give only Schedule information, but also all on demand batch reports run, so if you really need a scheduled information, you have to then filter out on demand reports, which is not real friendly and easy in Cognos. I'm using another third-party tool to retrieve all scheduled information from the Cognos content store.
I'm looking at doing this - what 3rd party tool are you using?
Hi there
Depending on how you have configured your c8 install, you can find the scheduling information in the notification store. THese tables will all start with NC
You can determine the current schedules and from this you can gather the details for what you need.
Auditing tables would only contain information after the fact
Peter B
What is Peter B described below is hard. I tried to pull that myself a few times before, directly from NC tables, but there are no complete info there. Good luck if you want to try NC tables. Would love to hear a success story here... :-\
Hi there
As mentioned, pulling info from the NC tables can be cumbersome but not impossible.
You want more details and a more comprehensive extract then you start looking at a cost for BSP, but there are ways and then there are ways.
Really upto you, how much detail you require. You've used both methods as we developed an FM model on the NC tables and report off it in conjunction with the Audit store.
Not much help but worth noting
Peter B
Hello all!
BSP Software--IBM Cognos Partner (ISV)-- has a utility that performs this exact function--"Scheduled Email Extractor".
You can view this utility at http://www.bspsoftware.com/Products/tabid/58/Default.aspx.
You can view BSP's other automation tools for Cognos at www.BSPsoftware.com .