Is there any alternative way of creating ToC structures in HTML outputs? Something like have a ToC in the left pane and the report output in the right pane.
Quote from: eliza_jane on 07 Feb 2011 04:57:59 AM
Is there any alternative way of creating ToC structures in HTML outputs? Something like have a ToC in the left pane and the report output in the right pane.
what is Mean by ToC Structures>>>>>>>>
You'll have to save HTML output in order to use table of contents items or bookmarks since they aren't really meant for interactive HTML. Have you thought about using drill through to achieve what you're after? It sounds a little dashboard-ish with a navigation pane and a content pane, so maybe that's another possibility.
I have an idea for this but it is:
a.) Sort of ridiculous
b.) Untested
In short, I'm going to see if anyone else has any suggestions :)
Quote from: melee on 07 Feb 2011 01:51:05 PM
I have an idea for this but it is:
a.) Sort of ridiculous
b.) Untested
In short, I'm going to see if anyone else has any suggestions :)
OK, so I guess I don't qualify as "anyone else" and my comments don't constitute "suggestions" ;D
I guess this is what happens when "sort of ridiculous" rarely stops me from posting anything!
Quote from: srinivas_p on 07 Feb 2011 06:03:10 AM
what is Mean by ToC Structures>>>>>>>>
TOC = Talk of the Century
Somebody told me it means Table of Contents but since he didn't know anything about the subject so, obviously, I didn't believe it !
Quote from: Lynn on 07 Feb 2011 02:00:15 PM
OK, so I guess I don't qualify as "anyone else" and my comments don't constitute "suggestions" ;D
I guess this is what happens when "sort of ridiculous" rarely stops me from posting anything!
I call this "The Route of Least (Potential) Humiliation" :)
Lynn, I considered using the dashboard concept. But the disadvantage I foresee with that is if we have the navigation report on the left pane and set up drill through link to the main report, the drill through report would either open in a new window or in the same window. Or is there some way I can get the drill through to impact the content pane without anything happening on the navigation pane.
And also, another downside is each drill through link would re-run the target report filtered by what has been selected resulting in multiple queries against the DB.
What users want is something similar to the Table of Contents feature we have with PDFs but in HTML and also not at the start of the report but to the side :(
You can use bookmarks with HTML, they just don't work through the page down links. You'll need to either use it as a saved report, or put everything into the first page.
Which version are you using and are saved reports acceptable for this?
Here's my crazy idea - like a drill-through, but not done with Cognos drill-through logic.
Report page with a table, 1 row, 2 columns. First column has an HTML item with static links - doesn't matter what they are, as long as they have IDs. Second column has an HTML item with an empty, unique ID.
Using jQuery, I'd intercept the click event and post, using AJAX, the report/parameters to the engine, and take the returned data and fill the second column div with the table.
Like I said, crazy! Sometimes I wonder why I just don't write my own queries, haha