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Planning & Consolidation => COGNOS Planning => Topic started by: Bubble on 03 Feb 2011 06:07:58 AM

Title: Access Table
Post by: Bubble on 03 Feb 2011 06:07:58 AM
I cannot update access table. I get some error : invalid cells in input. If cells will delete - all good. Please help :-\
Title: Re: Access Table
Post by: shethsameer on 09 Feb 2011 02:35:49 PM
Specify the error in detail & what were you trying to achieve when you encountered that error? What version are you using? Without complete info, most of us would not be able to help you out.
Title: Re: Access Table
Post by: philelmousse on 16 Nov 2012 02:50:59 AM
I up that topic because I have the same issue. I use Cognos Planning 10.

I have error like that when trying to import access tables :

Invalid cells in input: 3101LE Sweden TechOps BU (FAB) - LE

I dont know why because the input is what I want...
Title: Re: Access Table
Post by: jeffowentn on 16 Nov 2012 11:14:51 AM
What format is the file in to import the access tables?  Are there any special characters that might be causing issues?
Title: Re: Access Table
Post by: philelmousse on 21 Nov 2012 04:24:36 AM
Ok I just noticed that the item in my access table didnt have the same characters as in the eList. It's ok now.